The Green-Eyed Mouse and the Blue-Eyed Mouse by Bob Gill
Dive into the delightful world of "The Green-Eyed Mouse and the Blue-Eyed Mouse" by Bob Gill. This charming tale follows two unique mice with distinct perspectives who discover the beauty of friendship and understanding. A heartwarming story perfect for young readers.
Reading age: 3 Yrs +
Author: Gill, Bob
Illustrator: Gill. Bob
Binding: Hardback
Publisher: Jonathan Cape
Published: 2010
Printed: 2010
Dive into the delightful world of "The Green-Eyed Mouse and the Blue-Eyed Mouse" by Bob Gill. This charming tale follows two unique mice with distinct perspectives who discover the beauty of friendship and understanding. A heartwarming story perfect for young readers.
Reading age: 3 Yrs +
Author: Gill, Bob
Illustrator: Gill. Bob
Binding: Hardback
Publisher: Jonathan Cape
Published: 2010
Printed: 2010
Dive into the delightful world of "The Green-Eyed Mouse and the Blue-Eyed Mouse" by Bob Gill. This charming tale follows two unique mice with distinct perspectives who discover the beauty of friendship and understanding. A heartwarming story perfect for young readers.
Reading age: 3 Yrs +
Author: Gill, Bob
Illustrator: Gill. Bob
Binding: Hardback
Publisher: Jonathan Cape
Published: 2010
Printed: 2010